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l4-») [4."1




L4-i3i Г4Л,

[4."7i [4.24


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[4.3»1 Shotlbr (N. ») et Huhkrc (T. C). - A one-ilimensionel nel-ticid techniiae for pndicting oil ntcm-erv by iteemfloudinK-Soc. Pttraltum Eups J., vol. 11, p. 489-40(1 («97«)-

[4-331 Foi-RKiKe (R. P.). - A numericRl method for computing recovery of oil by hot «-ater injection in« radial >\-stem. .Soc. Petrnlrum Енцп J.. \<Л. i, p. 131-140 (1963).

[4.34I BoBERC (T. C.) et 1,AMT2 (R. в.). - Calculation of the production rate of a theiniBily timulated weU. J. РагЫвнт Teeknol., vol. 18, p. 1613-1613 • (I9<*) [Repria dans p. 289].-

L4-3Sl Behtskm (R. G.) et Donuhue (U. A. Т.). -A dynamic programming model of the cyclic steam injection process. /. РеШент Teeknol., voi 21, p. 1382-1396 (1969).

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[4.462 Shutler (N. D.). - Numeikal, three-pliase model lit the Hnear steamBood process. .Soc. Pelrolenm Engrs J., vol. 9. p. 232-246 И969).

[4.47J Shl-tlek (N. D.).- - Xumerical three-phase model of the tminlimenfional steamfliiod process. 5oc. Petroleum Engrs J., vol. 10, p. 4°S-4I7 ()7o) [Kepris dans 21;, p. 138;.

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[4.49] Frrrbr (J.) et FAROug ALi (S. M.). - A tbree-phaiie, two-dimenskmal compositional thermal simulator for steam injection procemes. /. cenad. Petroleum ТескпЫ., vol. 16, n« I. p. 78-80 (1977)-4.301 Wkimbteim (H. G.). Wheelrr (J. A.) et Woods (E. G.;. - Numerical model for thermal processes. Soc. Pelrolenm Engrs J., vol. 17. p. 63-7S (1977)-Г4.31] .4BDALI.A (A.) et Coats (K. H.). - A three-phase, experimental and numeikal simulatkm studv of the steam flond

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[4.331 Chii (C.) et Trihble (A. E.). - Numerkal simulatkm of steam displacement. FiekJ performance applications. /. Pelrolenm ТескпЫ., vol. 27. p. 763-776 (I9731-

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[4.61I Baker (P. E.). - Heat wave propagatkm and losses in thermal oil recovery processes. iVoc. Seventh WorU Petroteum Congr., Eleeeier РиЫ. Су, BaiUng, vol. 3, p. у)-470 (1967).

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[4-67] Bkadlev (a W.) et Слтхкж (L. K.). - Steamflood heater scale and Xnrroaion. /. Pttnilnim Ttcktul., vol. 27, p. 171.178

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[4-731 Fi1aRALn(B.M.). - Snr£ace injection and production aystems for steam operationa. РгЫшмг momlklv, vol. 31, n" 12, p. 18-23 (die. 1967).

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;4.78; GATB8 (C. F.) et Holhes (B. C). Thermal well coropletHma and operation. Proc. SnenIk World Petroleum Сонцг., EUevier РиЫ. Су, Barking, vol. 3, p. 419-

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[4.82J Ballard (J. R.), Lamframchi (E. E.) et Vamags (P. A.). - Thermal recovery in the Venezuelan heavy oil belt. /. eamad. Petroleum Tiektud, vol. 16, n* 2, p. 22-27 (avr.-juin 1977):

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