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1013] Schoeller H. Arid zone hydrology recent development. UNESCO, 1959, p. 125.

1014] Shchelkachev V. N. Summary of latest works on unsteady flow of liquids through porous media. Fundamentals of transport phenomena in porous media. Proceedings of the Second Symposium, Vol. 1, University of Guelph, Canada, 1972, p.p. 206-221.

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1037] Yotov I. G. Drawdown around wells of linearly changing discharge in unfinite leaky aquifer. «Comptes rendu de IAcademie bulgara des Sciences», Tome 20, №9, 1957, p.p. 967-970.

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1040] Zak A. J., Griffin Ph. Evaluating drillstem test data. «Oil & Gas Journal», Vol. 55, 1957, № 15, April 15, p.p. 122-124, 126; № 17, April 29, p.p. 193-195; №19, May 13, p.p. 136, 139-140, 142; №21, May 27, p.p. 125-128.

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